skeleton / wolf vostell. 1968

de-coll/age actions to change the environment.
wuppertal/germany, 1954. overnight or during the day a familiar spot of the city is consciously & spontaneously changed, using any means at one/s disposal.

  1. put 100 human & animal skeletons in the wupper river, also raw meat & intestines, without explanation.
  2. color the wupper red.
  3. generate & spread smell where otherwise there would be no smell.
  4. write any text where there wouldn/t be anything written otherwise.
  5. all passengers on the suspension railway are given binoculars.
  6. a group of naked women run across a public place.
  7. the suspension railway stops at random intervals.
  8. all of a sudden 100 washing machines stand in a public place.
  9. all automobiles are covered with black cloth.
  10. a sprinkler system is installed in one street.
  11. streetcars drive through town with their windows boarded up.
  12. every cop gives information about his past.
  13. daily newspapers hit the stands completely white.
  14. people dressed in yellow stand in the middle of a busy place.
  15. blood is running endlessly down the front of a house.
  16. hand-cuffed people sit in a high class restaurant.
  17. all christians wear a wooden cross sewn to their clothes.
  18. an express train is coupled with cattle cars.
  19. people stand in front of a bank saying NO.

text from
Wolf Vostell, Miss Vietnam and Texts of Other Happenings,
translated by Carl Weissner
The Nova Broadcast Press, San Francisco 1968, p. 6.

dé-coll/age[s] / wolf vostell. 1963

Sun in your head _

see also:


Television Decollage & Morning Glory _
(Published by 3rd Rail Gallery, New York, 1963, pp. 40, cm 15 x 10,5)

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see also: